NC-09 to McCready: Talk about the issues

May 20, 2019

Dan McCready has been avoiding answering tough questions for months and NC-09 residents are sick of it, demanding he talk about real issues.

And as you may recall, the Charlotte Observer blasted McCready for dodging the issues as well, writing “What exactly would voters get in Dan McCready? Don’t ask him.”

In case you missed it…

Don Justice (Charlotte)
Charlotte Observer
May 19, 2019

Having served in the late ’60s as an officer in the U.S. Army, I appreciate the service of Dan McCready and all others who have volunteered to protect our country.

I am more than tired, however, of reading and hearing about McCready, the Marine, ad nauseam.

Having grown up near Camp Lejeune I’ve known many outstanding Marines who fit the image of the recruitment ads. I’ve also known more than a few who shouldn’t even have been allowed in the service.

If McCready was a highly-decorated combat veteran, then tell us about his accomplishments and accolades. If not, talk about the issues.
Don Justice, Charlotte