will Casten demand action?

June 27, 2019

Yesterday Sean Casten told WBEZ he hopes his “Republican colleagues and the Senate” pass a $4.5 billion humanitarian aid package to address the “heartbreaking” crisis on our border.

But now that the Senate overwhelmingly passed the bipartisan bill, Nancy Pelosi refuses to bring it to the floor.

And Casten isn’t pushing her on it.

We know Casten thinks “bipartisanship is overrated,” but even Sens. Duckworth and Durbin supported it, which begs the question: Just how radical is Sean Casten?

NRCC Comment: “If Sean Casten really wanted to do something about the heartbreaking crisis at the border, he wouldn’t be standing idly by while his socialist caucus blocks desperately needed humanitarian aid.” -NRCC Spokeswoman Carly Atchison