WaPo: “You’re not helping, DCCC”
Yesterday the DCCC put out a graphic praising Joe Biden for gas prices dropping by two cents a gallon.
The Washington Post is calling it “the worst defense of the Biden administration yet.”
Here’s what everyone else is saying…
POLITICO Playbook: The DCCC was roundly mocked for tweeting out a graph thanking Joe Biden for gas prices dropping by two cents a gallon. (It would also seem to suggest that the president is responsible for gas prices, which may not be what the White House wants to hear.)
Fox Business: DCCC blasted from all sides over tweet praising Biden for lowering gas prices 2 cents

The Daily Dot: ‘Are y’all serious with this’: Democrats mocked for tweet thanking Biden for 2-cent gas price drop
Business Insider: DCCC tweets misleading chart congratulating Biden for gas prices dropping 2 cents a gallon
RedState: DCCC Inadvertently Joins the ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Ranks With Hilarious Gas Prices Graphic
Breitbart: DCCC Blasted After Thanking Biden for 2 Cent Decrease in Gas Prices
Washington Free Beacon: Dems Celebrate 2 Cent Drop in Gas Price
Daily Caller: Dems Pop Champagne Corks Over 2 Cent Reduction In Gas Prices, Praise Joe Biden
The Daily Wire: Democrats Celebrate Gas Prices Declining By Two Cents In Two Weeks
Townhall: Democrats Are Actually Expecting You to Thank Joe Biden for Gas Prices Right Now
The Daily Wire: Democrats Blasted For Bragging Biden Made Gas 2 Cents Cheaper: ‘Worst Defense Of The Biden Admin Yet’
The Post Millennial: Democrats celebrate gas prices dropping two cents
Washington Examiner: DCCC roasted for tweeting broken graph and thanking Biden for 2-cent drop in gas prices
hotair.com: Biden: Did you know I went to Israel as a liaison and met Golda Meir during the Six-Day War?