Pappas lies to gloss over record in new ad

August 9, 2022

Chris Pappas is out with his first ad of the cycle and it’s one lie after the other.

Like how he’s working to help New Hampshire small businesses, yet Pappas has never met a tax he didn’t like and now supports Democrats’ latest reckless spending bill that would hike taxes on small- and mid-sized businesses in the Granite State.

Pappas also claims he stands up to his own party, but votes with Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden 100% of the time.

NRCC Comment: “Every Granite Stater with a bank account and a car knows their financial concerns stem from Democrats’ reckless spending in Congress and Chris Pappas has taken every bad vote along the way. This is a weak and desperate attempt from Pappas to gloss over his record of failure.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Samantha Bullock