Magaziner is awfully quiet about Langevin’s stock trades…

October 4, 2022

WPRI reports retiring Rep. Jim Langevin has made over $1 million worth of stock trades, including investments in tech companies while he sits as chairman of a subcommittee dealing with cybersecurity, despite backing a ban on stock trading by Congress.

Langevin-endorsed Seth Magaziner has been silent about the controversy, even though a congressional stock trading ban is the focus of one of Magaziner’s own TV ads and a centerpiece of his campaign.

NRCC Comment: “If Seth Magaziner is serious about a stock trading ban, he’ll condemn Jim Langevin’s egregious abuse of the system and reject his endorsement. Anything less flies directly in the face of Magaziner’s otherwise empty rhetoric.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Samantha Bullock