Carbon County residents explain why Wild is going to lose

October 21, 2022

The Morning Call reports that the race for PA-07 could be determined by Carbon County, a rural part of the district for which Susan Wild has much disdain.

Voters explained what’s motivating them this election, and here’s what they have to say:

  • David Brenning “is more likely to vote Republican this November because he believes a change in House leadership is needed to tackle soaring inflation.”
  • Kevin Palmer “is a registered Democrat, but said he’s been leaning toward voting for Republicans as of late.”
  • Palmer and his girlfriend Christine Barnes “don’t have many good things to say about the way things are,” attributing “their financial struggles to COVID lockdowns that have led to labor shortages and what they see as a diminished work ethic.”

NRCC Comment: “Susan Wild’s failed, out-of-touch agenda has united Carbon County voters to vote her out this November.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Samantha Bullock