All’s Quiet on the Leftward Front

May 6, 2024

POLITICO recently reported on the numerous House Democrats who have yet to say anything about the recent indictment of Rep. Henry Cuellar (TX-28) despite having quite a bit to say about former Rep. Santos. 

Per POLITICO, “The argument is simple, from their view: Republicans moved to clean house and remove a member of their own party — why won’t Democrats? 

As a reminder, Rep. Susan Wild had this to say about Rep. Santos: “Serving in Congress is a privilege. When a member breaks public trust, it is our duty to hold them accountable. The Ethics Committee’s report speaks for itself: Mr. Santos’ misconduct and illegal activity proves him unworthy of serving the people he represents.”

And here is what she said about Rep. Cueller’s recent indictment: *crickets* 

“The House Democrats’ official slogan is ‘people over politics.’ Are they going to subscribe to that or no? Will Susan Wild call on Rep. Cuellar to resign?” – NRCC Spokesman Mike Marinella