The same donors bankrolling antisemitic protests fund Matt Cartwright

May 17, 2024

The same billionaire megadonors fueling the antisemitic hate fest raging on college campuses are also bankrolling extreme Democrat Matt Cartwright’s congressional campaign, a RealClearPolitics story exposed today.

According to FEC records, Cartwright accepted $50,616.67 from the Soros, Rockefeller and Pritzker families. Cartwright has refused to condemn the pro-Hamas encampments his billionaire backers helped unleash on campuses nationwide.

“Extreme Democrat Matt Cartwright proudly powers his campaign with cash from the very same billionaires underwriting the antisemitic chaos sweeping college campuses. Voters need to know, does Cartwright agree with their pro-Hamas activism or will he dump their donations?” – NRCC Spokesman Mike Marinella