Janelle Bynum’s endorsement of decriminalizing fentanyl with Measure 110 comes into focus

May 23, 2024

Janelle Bynum endorsed the disastrous Measure 110 decriminalizing fentanyl in Oregon, a new report exposed.

The Bynum-backed decriminalization of hard drugs fueled a tsunami of crime, open air drug markets, homelessness and the highest increase in fentanyl deaths in the nation.

“Janelle Bynum never met an extreme soft-on-crime Portland policy she didn’t embrace, even endorsing Measure 110 decriminalizing fentanyl. Prison Break Bynum’s radical beliefs and reckless plans pose a clear danger to Oregon families.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen

In case you missed it…

Democrats put faith in House candidate Bynum, but past support for decriminalizing fentanyl threatens chances
Washington Examiner
Ross O’Keefe

A Democrat who recently won their primary in Oregon’s 5th Congressional District, a swing district, previously supported a passed ballot measure that decriminalized drugs in the area.

Oregon state Rep. Janelle Bynum voiced her support for Measure 110, which, after being passed in November 2020, decriminalized most possession of controlled substances.

That ballot measure passed 58.5% to 41.5% in the state, with Portland’s Multnomah County offering the most votes in favor at a nearly 3-to-1 margin. However, Bynum’s previous support for the measure won’t likely appeal so much to voters anymore; a February poll saw 61% of voters call the policy a failure.

Twenty-seven percent of those in the poll said the policy needed more time to work. 

Bynum noted in her Facebook post that despite telling voters to say yes to the measure, “I think we can get better legislation through the legislature. This was a very hard toss-up.”

“It tells us a couple of things. No. 1, Oregonians are compassionate people,” Bynum said in response to a question about Measure 110 in a November 2023 interview. 

“Number two, it also tells the legislature that the people were hungry for a certain approach. And it’s not the legislature’s job to question the people; it’s the legislature’s job to implement the will of the people. … And I believe that Oregonians have said, ‘Hey, we want a compassionate response to drug treatment and addiction. But we also want to make sure, as small business owners, as parents, that our streets are safe and that our loved ones are cared for and our children are not harmed by people in crisis.’”

Republicans, including Bynum’s competition in incumbent Rep. Lori Chavez-Deremer (R-OR), haven’t been fans of the measure. 

“Congresswoman Chavez-DeRemer has led the charge against Measure 110 at the federal level,” campaign spokesman Aaron Britt told the Washington Examiner. 

“Recognizing the devastating impact decriminalizing hard drugs like fentanyl has had on communities across the state, she’s worked across the aisle to enact proposals to hold drug traffickers accountable and declare a national fentanyl emergency — opening up federal resources to address this crisis,” Britt added. “She will continue advocating for commonsense, tough-on-crime policies to support law enforcement and improve public safety.”

Chavez-DeRemer also expressed her concerns about the measure in an August 2023 letter to Gov. Tina Kotek (D-OR).

“Three years ago, our constituents voted for a measure they were told would reduce drug abuse,” she wrote. “Instead, drug abuse has exploded and our neighbors fighting addiction have been left to fend for themselves. … The message from Oregonians is clear: Time is up.”

Kotek recently signed HB 4002, which recriminalized hard drugs and rolled back some parts of measure 110. New criminal charges won’t be effective until Sept. 1 though.


The Washington Examiner contacted Bynum’s campaign but did not receive a response.

Read more here.