Andrea Salinas is all hat, no cattle

May 24, 2024

Last night, the House Agriculture Committee passed a Farm Bill that will empower Oregon farmers and feed American families. Shamefully, Andrea Salinas put politics over producers.

What’s the beef? Salinas is following orders from her party bosses from behind closed doors instead of listening to hardworking farmers in her district.

Not bringing home the bacon: Salinas voted against 28 Oregon provisions in this Farm Bill. Provisions like:

  • Increasing Statutory Reference Price for commodities to help American farmers and producers keep up with rising costs.
  • Enhancing disaster assistance programs and increasing eligibility for coverage.
  • Holding China accountable by increasing cooperation between USDA and CFIUS to ensure foreign enemies cannot purchase American farmland.
  • Reauthorizing nutrition programs to feed lower income families and children.
  • Maintaining and boosting popular bipartisan conservation programs.

“Extreme Democrat Andrea Salinas is all hat and no cattle when it comes to sticking up for Oregon. Farmers and families can’t put all their eggs in Salinas’ basket and expect her to come through for them. Salinas will be answering for this shameful partisan vote ‘til the cows come home this November.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen