Five Things That Are More Important Than the Democrats Proposal to Build a Park on the Moon

July 10, 2013

Democrats are proposing legislation that would establish a “national historical park” on the surface of the Moon to mark where the Apollo missions landed between 1969 and 1972.

No offense to Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and the other astronauts, but there are more important things than a “Moon Park” that Democrats in Congress could be focusing their attention on. For example:

1. ObamaCare: A national park on the Moon won’t protect Americans from ObamaCare or address any of the law’s failures.

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2. Keystone Pipeline: The Keystone Pipeline, which Democrats are stalling, will create jobs and guarantee energy independence for Americans. A park on the Moon does neither of those things.

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3. Student Loans: How will a national Moon park prevent students loan rates from doubling?

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4. IRS: Establishing a national Moon park won’t provide any oversight of the IRS.

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5. Energy: A Moon park won’t lower energy costs for Americans, or stop President Obama’s war on coal.

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While House Republicans are fighting for economic growth, low taxes, and jobs for everyday Americans, Democrats in Congress are pushing for a park on the Moon. Voters can see where their priorities are.