Does Annette Taddeo stand with soldiers or with Obama?

October 20, 2015

paycheckNow that President Obama is playing politics by threatening to veto the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), where is Annette Taddeo’s outrage?  The NDAA authorizes funding for the Armed Forces, including 2,146 active soldiers from FL-26, where Taddeo is choosing to run this cycle.  It overwhelmingly passed the House by a vote of 270 to 156 and the Senate by a vote of 70 to 27.

Is Taddeo so blindly partisan that she won’t stand up to Barack Obama’s threat that holds the paychecks of our military men and women hostage?  Some issues are more important than politics, and hopefully Taddeo agrees this is one of them.

NRCC Comment:  “Not everyone in Florida’s 26th District is a millionaire who lives in a mansion like Annette Taddeo, and that includes our brave soldiers and their families who rely on their paycheck to make ends meet.  Hopefully Annette Taddeo musters up the courage to tell President Obama to back off his threat to veto a bipartisan bill that authorizes funding for our soldiers’ paychecks.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack