Sooooo Gretchen Driskell needs updated talking points

November 5, 2015

steamrollerNow that the House of Representatives has passed a long-term bipartisan highway bill, Gretchen Driskell’s campaign needs to update her talking points.  Here’s a few suggested focus areas courtesy of her dear friends here at the NRCC:

1.) Stop attacking Tim Walberg for doing his job — first by voting on a 3 month extension of the highway trust fund and now on passing a six year bipartisan highway bill.

2.) Figure out how to explain Driskell’s hypocrisy on attacking Tim Walberg for working in a bipartisan fashion to pass a long term highway bill when Driskell was the only member of the Michigan state house to miss voting on a $1.2 billion road funding in Lansing because she was caught campaigning for Congress in Washington, D.C.

NRCC Comment:  “While Tim Walberg was busy working on a long term highway bill, Gretchen Driskell was busy skipping road funding votes in Lansing to campaign for Congress in Washington.  Driskell choosing to put her own political ambition over the safety of Michigan’s roadways is precisely why she is going to get steamrolled at the ballot box next November.”  –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack