Steve Santarsiero booed off house floor

April 14, 2016

steve missingState Rep. and former teacher Steve Santarsiero went missing yesterday, running out on a vote to provide millions in additional funding to schools in Pennsylvania’s 8th Congressional District.  When it came time to vote on a bipartisan fair funding formula that would benefit his constituents, Santarsiero asked to go on legislative leave to avoid having to vote, and was booed off the House floor as a result.  The bill passed with a veto-proof majority, but was opposed by Santarsiero’s string-puller, Governor Tom Wolf, who vetoed a previous version of the bill.

Instead of growing a spine and standing up for his constituents, Steven decided to hit the road instead, missing this critical vote for schools across the 8th District. If Steven’s 0-54 bill passing record wasn’t bad enough already, now he is deliberately missing the tough votes his constituents elected him to make.

NRCC Comment: “It’s comical that not only can Steve Santarsiero not pass a single bill while in the state legislature but now he can’t even stick around to vote. If he can’t handle the job in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives how can anyone believe he can do it in Washington?”NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack