Why Military City USA Can’t Risk Pete Gallego Again

May 20, 2016

military cityLackland. Sam Houston. Randolph. These and many more names are familiar to the folks in Military City USA not just as anchors of the community and regional economy, but also as a symbol of local pride. Which makes it all the more the disturbing that Pete Gallego wants to go back to Congress and rejoin the House Democratic leadership that just this week voted against the NDAA, the bill that gives our men and women in uniform a much needed pay raise and ensures they have the resources needed to defend our nation. The NDAA also prevents another round of BRAC, ensuring all of the region’s bases are protected from possible closure.

Gallego has the backing of both Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer, the two top House Democrats who led the effort to kill the NDAA this week. Additionally, Gallego has stood silently as President Obama issued a veto threat. Clearly Military City USA just can’t risk sending Pete Gallego to Congress to again be a loyal lackey of a Democratic leadership whose agenda threatens vital interests of the 23rd District.

NRCC Comment: “Texans just can’t risk sending Pete Gallego back to Washington to join with Democratic leadership in pushing an agenda that would devastate Military City USA. Nancy Pelosi fully supports Gallego because she knows he would be a reliable vote for her extreme agenda, no matter how wrong it is for the 23rd District.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter