Is Steve Santarsiero the biggest disgrace in the Harrisburg political swamp?

October 26, 2016

santarsieroIs there a bigger disgrace in the Harrisburg political swamp than no-show politician Steve Santarsiero? Santarsiero skipped two more votes today on SB 1367 and SB 1368 that would address the opioid crisis currently plaguing Pennsylvania. Santarsiero also skipped a special joint legislative session in September focused on the prevention and treatment of opioid abuse and addiction.

In August, Santarsiero said that opioid addiction “is an epidemic that crosses all social, geographic and political lines and requires a coordinated response from lawmakers, first responders and medical professionals.” And that “it’s clear we need to do more to treat those addicted and prevent more from becoming addicted.”

It’s a typical pattern for Santarsiero.  He panders on and on about something and then refuses to back up his rhetoric with any sort of substance.

NRCC Comment: “There is no bigger disgrace in the Harrisburg political swamp than career politician Steve Santarsiero. Every time Santarsiero skips a vote to address the opioid crisis, he is failing the Commonwealth. The people of Pennsylvania deserve better than a do-nothing Harrisburg politician like Steve Santarsiero.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack