Category: Blog

Obama’s EPA Continues War on Jobs
“New Democrats” Just Like Old Democrats
Pelosi’s Own Dems Blocking Her Path to the Speaker’s Chair
The Democrats’ Stimulus Drag
Family ties prove thorny for Tierney
Where’s the MF Money? Lost in Democrat Hypocrisy
DEMOCRAT DIRTY LAUNDRY: Tierney and Wife Dined “In Full View” of Illegal Betting Ring
Frank’s Parting Shot Aimed at the Democrat-Created Medicare IRS
Democrats Continue Shameful Alliance with “Occupiers”
Sky-High State Unemployment Highlights Dems’ Failed Policies
For Obama, American-Made Energy Jobs Can Wait
DEMOCRAT DIRTY LAUNDRY: Andrews Treats Campaign Coffers Like a Personal Piggy Bank
Dems Root to Sabotage a “Super-Opportunity” to Make Washington Live Within Its Means
NRCC TV Ad: Chandler – Steady Hand
Rep. Tierney’s Wife Takes Stand In Brother’s Trial
Tierney’s spouse testifies in gambling case
Congressman’s wife defiant on the stand in gambling trial
Working Like a Blue Dog: Heath Shuler Raises Money for DCCC
Democrats Have 15 Trillion Excuses for Not Balancing the Budget
CODE RED INK ALERT: Georgia Blue Dogs Pledge ‘YES’ Vote for Balanced Budget in Final Hours
Dems Are a “Super-Disappointment”
For Chu, It Depends on What the Meaning of “Regular” Is
NRCC Web Ad: Russ Carnahan’s Unconditional Support for “Team Obama”
CODE RED INK ALERT: Does the Blue Dog Bark Match Their Bite? Michaud’s ‘No’ Vote Throws Group’s Support in Question
Democrats Can Wait to Create 20,000 Energy Jobs
For Democrats, Politics Can’t Wait But the Economy Can
Dems Tilted Scales for Solyndra
Pelosi’s Party Favors
Solyndra Scandal Now a Solar Storm for Dems
What Will the Democrats’ Next Stimulus Slogan Be?
The Obama-Corzine Stimulus Slump
The Democrats’ Crazy Love for “Occupiers”
Solyndra Scandal Now X-Rated
Democrats Think Their Economic Failure is a Joke
Dems Can’t Wait to Spend, But Can Wait to Balance the Budget
Barack Obama’s Transparency You Can’t Believe In
NRCC’s New TV Ads: Fool Me Once – Schrader, Rahall, Kissell
ObamaCare Report Card: An “F” from Ohio Voters
Pelosi’s 15%
Wall Street Hypocrisy Occupies Dems
Obama Admin Shared Job-Destroying Expertise With Solyndra
Jobs Outlook Dim as Dems Rally Behind Stimulus 2.0
The Democrats’ Solar Circus
Dems Shuffled Solyndra Deck to Put Bundlers First, Taxpayers Last
Once Magnetic, Polarizing Obama Now Stands Alone
Democrats Forgot the Lessons of the “Shellacking”
NRCC TV Ad: Fool Me Once – McIntyre
Blue Dogs Are Out of Tricks
One Year Later
Fight to the Finish Line
The Debt End of Democrats’ Stimulus