Tag: Patriots

NRCC Announces Fourth Round of Patriot Program Members
Crawford delivers speech on campus
New kid in town: Incumbent congressman Johnson runs in Madison County
Tipton outpaces rival in first poll
Coffman opposes SOPA as potentially restricting and burdensome
Congressman Gary Miller looks to Replace Lewis
Bartlett campaign shows signs of life
Congressman Dan Benishek in Traverse City, says Government Needs to Live Within Budget
Benishek expresses frustration with Obama
Walsh makes town-hall stop in Arlington Heights
Rep. Roscoe Bartlett Steps Up Fundraising For Maryland House Race
Editorial: Lungren picks a good crusade – Hetch Hetchy
Bilbray proposes series of debates against challengers
Romney endorses Bilbray in 52nd District
Renacci talks balancing budget, spending cuts, jobs
Rep. Mike Grimm to introduce bill to make WTC cross a national monument
Runyan praised for helping get Lacey included in energy master plan
Johnson Vows To Aid Veterans With Benefits
Dold: Illinois needs non-partisan, business-friendly approach
Gibbs has 3-step Rx for ailing economy
Congressman Bobby Schilling highlights Farm Bureau annual meeting
Heck calls for “balanced approach” to energy
A conversation with Rep. Scott Rigell
Rep. Biggert talks Asian carp, waterway issues with local businesses
Biggert says hard work needed to turn around economy
Denham Outreach, Congressman hears variety of community concerns
Need for jobs knows no party
Local Republicans honor Latham at annual meeting
Congressman discusses deficit on visit to Chippewa Falls factory
Barletta makes pitch on immigration
House Republicans seek to bolster Francisco Canseco’s re-election chances
Heck on May jobless numbers: ‘Completely unacceptable’
Fitzpatrick veterans amendment passes house
Bass Stops at Merrimack’s GT Solar
Guest column: Latham steps up for Iowa’s seniors
A U.S. Congressman pumps gas as he listens to hardships brought on by gas prices
Fitzpatrick talks job growth, economy with business owners
Joe Heck’s national security role finds new urgency after Osama bin Laden’s death
Bass visits to get pulse on area happenings
Guinta listens to small business owners concerns in Rochester
Meehan addresses issues at town hall meeting
Sean Duffy: How we face challenge of our generation
Congressman comes to area; Rock House Fire 70% contained
Barletta anticipates some ‘heavy lifting’
NRCC aims to protect at-risk House Republican incumbents