Tag: steal an election

Election stealing Democrat Sean Patrick Maloney going to Iowa
Another one…
New NRCC ad targets Axne on IA-02
Biden backs effort to overturn IA02
Axne hasn’t commented since DECEMBER!!!
Pelosi lies about vulnerable Dems supporting her IA-02 scheme
LA Times Ed Board Condemns Pelosi & Hart
Another defection for Pelosi & Hart
Phillips spoke up, where’s Craig?
Dems’ Goal: Throw out state law to steal a House seat
Rob Sand: I “disagree” with Hart’s attempt to disenfranchise Iowans
The dam is breaking for Pelosi and Hart
House Dem: “It would be insane to overturn the results of the Iowa election”
Is Axne really standing by Hart’s attack on IA voters?
Vulnerable Dem breaks from Pelosi on overturning IA02
Pelosi funding partisan effort to overturn certified election
WATCH: Bustos silent on Pelosi overturning state-certified election
Axne supports disenfranchising Iowa voters
Rove: Pelosi Might Steal an Iowa House Seat
Democrats “recoil” at vote to unseat a sitting member
MUST LISTEN: Ruthless Podcast on Pelosi’s “Big Lie”
Cindy Axne should stand up for Iowa voters
“Well, it was six votes…”
Nancy Pelosi: “Of course” we might overturn an election
House Democrats take a step toward overturning a lawful election