About that Elizabeth Warren endorsement of Zephyr Teachout…

October 18, 2016

teachout-warrenIt turns out that NYC carpetbagger Zephyr Teachout isn’t the only radial liberal who thinks NY-19 voters are dumb.  Elizabeth Warren thinks they’re dumb, too.

Warren endorsed Teachout today in a fundraising email, stating “Everyone from billionaire hedge fund managers to the Koch brothers’ corporate PAC is pouring money into defeating Zephyr Teachout.”

About those hedge fund managers:

  • Hedge fund manager George Soros has given Teachout $5,400
  • Hedge fund manager Jonathan Soros has given Teachout $5,400
  • Hedge fund manager Donald Sussman has given Teachout $2,700
  • Hedge fund manager Gus Christiensen has given Teachout $2,700

And don’t even get us started on Teachout’s Super PAC hypocrisy again*.

NRCC Comment: “Not only does Zephyr Teachout think Upstate voters are dumb, but her radical liberal friends like Elizabeth Warren think they’re dumb, too. Elizabeth Warren and Zephyr Teachout must only take issue with billionaire hedge fund managers when they aren’t donating to their campaigns, and that makes them both pandering hypocrites.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack

Vol. 1 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 2 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 3 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 4 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite

Vol. 5 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 6 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 7 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 8 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite

Vol. 9 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 10 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 11 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 12 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite

Vol. 13 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 14 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 15 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 16 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 17 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite

Vol. 18 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 19 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 20 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 21 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 22 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 23 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite