Category: Blog

If At First You Don’t Succeed…
Speaker Boehner Sets The Record Straight On Obama’s Sequester
DSCC Exec. Director Guy Cecil Says Dems Won’t Win The House In 2014
NRCC Assembles Largest Digital Team in Committee History
CNN Fact Checks Obama on His Sequester
When Will Romanoff Renounce Salazar’s Endorsement?
Value Menu: Food Retailers Cutting Hours, Insurance In Wake Of Obamacare
Top 15 Worst Stimulus Abuses
Pelosi’s Newest Policy Guru: Alan Grayson
Polling Memo: SOTU vs. Americans’ Priorities
Where’s Rep Horsford? Bueller? Bueller?
Carol Shea-Porter Continues to Break “Bipartisan Pledge”
Obama Skips Town to Go Take Golf Lesson from Tiger Woods’ Former Coach
Birds Of A Feather: Harkin, Loebsack, and Braley
Yet Another Democrat Says We Don’t Have a Spending Problem
Barrow and Obama: Two Peas In A Pod
A 63 year old Member of Congress, a College Coed, and Scandalous Tweets… Oh My!
Marco Rubio’s Response to the President’s State of the Union Address
Stimulus Money went to Watching Movies and Playing Video Games
Annie Kuster continues to get bad press for not paying her taxes
Heilemann: Obama’s SOTU: “Not An Agenda For A Democratic Majority”
The State of the Union: in Pictures
State of the Union Facts & Figures You Need To Know: In One Graphic
#SOTU FACT CHECK: Obama’s Energy Hypocrisy
#SOTU Fact Check: Obamacare Raising Healthcare Costs
#SOTU Fact Check: Obama Admits His Sequester Is A “Bad Idea”
Not One Dime?
Annie “Warbuck$” Kuster – By the Numbers
Polling Memo: Voters Choose GOP
Steny Hoyer Agrees With Pelosi: USA Doesn’t Have A Spending Problem
10 Things You May (Or May Not) Know About Abraham Lincoln on His 204th Birthday
Polling Memo: Remember the Stimulus?
I need you for 30 seconds
Annie Kuster’s Tax Trainwreck: A Timeline
Obama Using Your Higher Taxes to Give Payraises to Federal Bureaucrats
White House Tries To Clean Up Mess After Pelosi’s Disastrous Interview
NRCC Launches Web Campaign Against New Hampshire’s Embattled Annie Kuster
Pelosi: We Don’t Have A Spending Problem
Chairman Greg Walden on Jason Smith Becoming the GOP Nominee for Missouri’s 8th Congressional District
Watch Dr. Benjamin Carson Shred ObamaCare in Front of Obama
Twitter Calls Out Obama for Flip-Flopping on Sequester
Paul Ryan Comments on Scott Walker Keynoting the NRCC’s March Dinner
Introducing President Obama’s Liberal Love Tour
2 Graphics that Show Obama Owns the Sequester
Polling Memo: A Sincerity Struggle
House Dems To Obama: Help Me, Help You
Making Life Work: Eric Cantor’s Speech on Bold Leadership for the Future
What Could You Get For $845 Billion?
Barack In Time: 2009 vs. 2013 Obama on Cost Of Obamacare
Obama Wants More Taxes to Replace the Sequester He Came Up With
Obama Literally Says to Paul Ryan He’ll Get Him A Budget “As Soon As Possible”