Category: Blog

10 White House Luxuries Obama can Now Use In Private
Want To Reschedule Your Canceled WH Tour? That’ll Be $500,000
Rep. Kevin McCarthy on Obama’s Misplaced Priorities
Polling Memo: Post Sequester, President’s Campaign Hits Roadblock
Obama’s Goal: Break House Republicans
WSJ: For Obama, Number One Priority Is Making Nancy Pelosi Speaker Again
ICYMI: President Obama “Obsessed” With Taking Back The House In 2014
Who is the White House fooling?
House Republicans are the Last Line of Defense — In 11 GIFs
WaPo’s Aaron Blake: Dems Chances Of Taking Back The House “Very Difficult”
Polling Memo: Paging President Obama
WSJ To Obama: Stop Stalling On Keystone
NRCC Chair Greg Walden On CNN’s State Of The Union
After Calling Medicare A “Sacred Bond With Seniors,” DCCC Steve Israel Touts $700 Billion In Cuts
Free Beacon: Cut Waste, Not Workers
NRCC Chair Greg Walden: Time To Go After Wasteful Washington Spending
Eric Holder Flying On Luxury Jets, While Federal Workers Are Furloughed
Polling Memo: It’s a Spending Problem, Not a Tax Problem
Subway Founder Says Company Wouldn’t Exist if He Started It Today
John Barrow-Jetson?
Do Carol Shea-Porter and Annie Kuster have the political courage to stand up to the Robosquirrel?
White House v. Woodward: Obama Administration Threatens Famed Journalist
Donna Brazile Can’t Figure Out Why Her Insurance Premiums Are Going Up
Sean Eldridge drops $2 million in cash to “reside” in New York’s 19th District
Hot Air Blog: NRCC Announces Contest to Have Dinner with Paul Ryan
Democrats Complain About Presence Of Debt Clock On Capitol Hill
Primary Challenge Spells Rough Waters Ahead for Mike McIntyre
ICYMI: Dem Congressman Goes Nuts On Hannity
Bob Woodward Calls Out Obama For Sequestration “Madness”
4 Things One Hour In Air Force One Can Buy You…
Boehner: President Using Military Personnel as a Prop to Call for More Tax Hikes
GAO Report: Obamacare To Explode Deficit By $6.2 Trillion
John Tierney and Nancy Pelosi: Two Cards of the Same Suit
NRCC’s Oscars Ad Featured on Cavuto
Carol Shea-Porter’s Sequestration Deception White House Issues Sequestration Report for Non-Existent Agency
and the winner is…
Matheson ducks Obama’s Sequester
NRCC Ad Campaign Highlights Rahall’s Sequester Support
Barrow’s Sequester
Well, that’s embarrassing…
Democrats Put Alan Grayson Front and Center
Win A Chance To Join Scott Walker At Our Annual March Dinner
Annie Kuster Presents “Life is Expensive – Episode II”
Ed Markey Compares Campaign Finance Law To Slavery
Annie Kuster Continues To Dodge Questions About Her Taxes
CNN’s Jim Acosta: WH Has No Plan To Replace Obama’s Sequester
Obama’s New Medicare Plan: Cut Medicare Services To Fuel His Reckless Spending
OC Register To Obama: Offer Solutions, Not Blame
Rep. DeFazio Calls For Higher Gas Prices
Polling Memo: Happy Anniversary to Obama’s Stimulus