Tag: FL-22

South Florida Dems silent on Omar’s support of Maduro
Joe Garcia Votes Against Benghazi Accountability
Scott Peters Refuses to Condemn Lois Lerner
Epic Fails
Suzan DelBene Fails to Pay Women the Same As Men Based on Her Own Formula
Rick Nolan Votes To Keep IRS Targeting
Will Annie Kuster Vote to Stop IRS Targeting?
Alex Sink: Paid for by Obamacare Creators
Who Do These House Democrats Side With: Bill Clinton or Barack Obama?
NRCC To Kyrsten Sinema: Now It’s Your Turn To Apologize For ObamaCare
White House Knew Millions Would Lose Coverage Under ObamaCare: When Did These House Democrats Know?
Fix the Glitch: Fire Nick Rahall
Rick Nolan Puts Air Travel Safety At Risk
What Are House Democrats Afraid Of?
These House Democrats Voted Against Funding for Head Start Programs
These House Democrats Voted Against Food Safety Funding
Bishop Votes Against Food Safety Funding
These House Democrats Would Rather Pay Federal Workers Than Fund Cancer Screenings
These House Democrats Voted Against Funding For Women And Children Living in Poverty
These House Democrats Vote Against Funding For Cancer Patients
Rahall Puts Obama’s Government Shutdown Ahead Of Veterans, Memorials
Does Mike McIntyre Support Taxpayer Funds Used To Promote ObamaCare In NC?
School’s Out for The Summer, But Students Are Out-of-Luck Thanks To Pete Gallego
Will Kyrsten Sinema Support Higher Energy Costs?
Jim Matheson Votes To Cut Funding Intended For Combat Troops Fighting Terrorists
Will House Democrats Condemn Their Colleague’s Despicable Comments?
Broken Promise: Despite ObamaCare Sales Pitch Memo, 30 Million Will Be Left Uninsured
Who Will John Barrow Pick As His ObamaCare Coordinator?
Rick Nolan’s Keystone Disappointment
House Democrats Need To Give Back Tainted IRS Cash
NRCC Calls On Dems To Return Tainted IRS Cash
NRCC To House Democrats: Condemn IRS’s Outrageous Abuse Of Power
Why Did John Barrow Vote Against Families?
Will Annie Kuster Stand Up For New Hampshire’s Families?
Annie Kuster Votes Against Only Plan To Balance Budget
Obama and House Democrats’ Plan: Never Balance the Budget
Rubberstamp At The Ready: House Democrats To Stand With Obama On Stimulus
After 33 Days Of Rising Gas Prices, House Democrats Have Yet To Offer A Serious Solution
Democrats’ Hopes Of Majority Built On Quicksand
#SpendingIsTheProblem: Do The Math: All The Platinum In The World Still Couldn’t Pay Off The Debt
Do House Dems Agree with Their Democrat Leaders that We Should Go Off the Fiscal Cliff?
Will House Dems Sponsor Obama’s Blank Check Proposal?
Days Before Election, Higher Jobless Rate Reflects Ohioans’ Continued Suffering Under Obama-Sutton Economy
#STOPTHETAXHIKE: Because Four Years of Trillion Dollar Deficits Wasn’t Enough… The Dems’ Goal is to Spend More
#STOPTHETAXHIKE: New Report: Job Creators Brace for Economic Disaster Thanks to Dems’ Tax-Hiking Agenda
#STOPTHETAXHIKE: Democrats Uses Devastating Defense Cuts As “Weapon” in Their Party’s Tax-Increasing Agenda
Democrats’ Idea of “Nation-Building At Home” Has Been to Create Jobs in China
don’t call it a comeback…
Dems’ Stimulus Funded Solar Panels that “Worked as Long as You Didn’t Put Them in the Sun”
Democrats’ “Trickle-Down Government” Produces Unacceptably High Unemployment And A Discouraged Labor Force
Middle Class ‘Buried’ Under Dems’ Toxic Policies, Define Success as Not Falling Behind